Friday, March 30, 2018

Final (ish) Reflection

LIMITLESS opportunities at the Library
I hesitate to say "FINAL" reflection of the COOL TOOLS PD only because so much of what I did through at each lesson was to add what I need to work on, improve, do next, learn, and more.

Of course, anyone who is in a PD like this is likely in the same mindset...growing, expanding, and learners for life.
FUN matters

BUT, rather than feeling discouraged and overwhelmed with how to improve, grow, and shift, this course help to me STRATEGICALLY plan on what next. 

HOPE matters.
It goes without saying that we are never "done" or we are in trouble.  It took me a few weeks to get the flow of the course..where to start, what to click, how to work between personal and work gmail...and at first I was frustrated.  Like any new experience, time and patience and try again and it worked without issue.

  • I am grateful for the resources--did targeted sharing and will continue to do so.  
  • It got me back into blogging and "forced" me to try, learn or revisit tools and ideas.
  • I learned what "works" for my brain and what doesn't.   
  • I was ok with admitting what didn't "tick" for me.
  • I LOVED the choice and would like to continue on the learning journey despite the required being done. 
Create your own sunshine
My professional "what nexts" are:  (in no order, based on what has stuck with me, not just what I wrote down)
  • Need a brand, logo, vision for our library that is consistent in all my outreach
  • Need more tools that increase efficiency and make it easier to share with colleagues/students
  • Need more connection with authors (live/virtual) for students
  • Need more student voice in planning what next with literacy
  • Need to dedicate more time to explore/play/try new tools (get too caught up on doing and don't force myself to try new enough)
  • Need to SHARE, SHARE, SHARE ideas, tools, concepts, and rally a team to make things come to life!  
  • Need to model the "choice" idea in this project for student projects
Sometimes learning opportunities just work.  This did that for me.  I'm inspired and equipped without feeling substandard or hopeless!  Onward!  Thanks so much!  

Amping up our Reading Outreach! Thing 44

Social Reading and BOOK STUFF 

As I was scrolling through the list of topics to explore, this one caught my eye.  A few months ago, I might have avoided it as I was discouraged about the reading culture in our school and maybe even everywhere.    
Fast forward a few months and I'm seeing a shift in our school that is exciting, invigorating, and has inspired me to maximize the current trends and continue to grow literacy in our school.

We've been immersing the concepts of Reader's Choose (based on

Penny Kittle's, Book Love)  that take us back to time in class for reading, browsing, engaging in the search process, conferencing, and more.  We've expanded our collection to better reflect the #weneeddiversebooks movement AND we've made literacy our focus.   Makerspace activities have taken a step back but I believe we are addressing the priority for our community right now.  

Here are some tools that I HAVE been using:

GOODREADS  I use it to frame booktalks, share, and curate ideas.   Of course, I could use it in other ways, too.  For example, I have been posting MY reading list and DUH I should use this here is an example of that....

Kowalski's Book Log for 2018  I can post it to my email signature, print the info for the library door, and share on websites, Google Classroom and more.   It also helps me assess the gaps in my reading selections (not enough non fiction, need more graphics, etc).   

I checked out (no pun intended) Library Thing.  I liked that it has widgets for promo/sharing...not sure if I would switch all my tools from GoodReads, but do like the looks of it....especially the visuals and alignment with social media!

OVERDRIVE for audio/ebooks is fantastic and we have it through our BOCES.   Like most AWESOME tools, my outreach and promo is NEVER enough and am constantly working to be more creative to do that!  

IDEAS for READING extensions: (from the Cool Tools Site... thanks, Polly) 
Love this INFOGRAPHIC from Jennifer LaGarde

FICTFACT is a great resource for keeping track of SERIES.  I had used it years ago and forgot about it! 

At our middle school we have been taking advantage of several options to engage students in a reading culture-- a few here:

  • BookTasting
  • BookTalks
  • Book teasers on the AM announcements 
  • Conferencing (teacher to student, student to student)
  • Open passes to get books during Reader's Choose sessions
  • Extended time to read in class
  • March Book Madness challenges 
  • Read Alikes activities
  • Promo on instagram
  • Teaching FAKE vs REAL reading
  • Book folders for sharing
  • Mirrors and Windows celebrations for #weneeddiversebooks movement
  • Bookapalooza event/promotion (just starting)
  • Planned trip to Teen Book Festival in May (50 kids!) 
  • Research project for grade 7 about how READING impacts a person (beyond academically)
What I need to work on:
  • Curating reading resources for easy access for teachers
  • more strategic promo of Overdrive/ebooks
  • Better connection with authors--skype, twitter, live visits
  • Better use of social media for book promos, author connections 
  • Richer sharing of student voice for recommendations
  • More strategic inclusion of students in planning HOW to motivate THEM to read
I am LOVING the SOCIAL READING concept...this "THING" has inspired me to put together a campaign about it for National Library month....more to follow!  Thanks for the mojo!