I always get frustrated when I see posts on social media at the end of the school from librarians who are immersed in their annual reports and claim success when they've finished some monstrous document for their administrator.
Too often those are the ONLY reports that have been shared and I'm pretty sure (no disrespect to admin) that they aren't being read for 345 reasons. I believe the "annual" reports need to be part of a yearlong outreach and learned so much from all the avenues people are using to share their stories!
What I've Done in the PAST:
- large monstrous end of year report
- data centered report from Destiny
- monthly "Facts at a Glance" one page reports
- reports aligned with standards in teacher evaluation
- quarterly department reports done collaboratively
- movie with data
- folders to gather information for administrators
- infographic with data, stories
- compilation of monthly reports
What I'm Doing Now:
- give FOLDER (hard copy that has PGLIBRARY on tab) and I give them items to add to folder (letters, signs, flyers, etc so they have items "at their fingertips)
- quarterly movie to highlight our story; promote widely
- highlight report to PTO for their monthly meetings (with copy for the above folder)
- Infographic Annual Report shared widely
- Collecting more data about collection, teacher collaboration
- Press releases of all PD attended
- Department Presentation to BOARD of ED
What I'm Going to IMPROVE with above: (aka #squadgoals!)
- Return to MONTHLY 1 page FACTS at a GLANCE
- Include new BRAND/LOGO/TAGLINE on outreach
- Checklist for OUTREACH plan so all bases covered
- Section on reports for student reflection/voice
- Promotion of new AASL standards
- Continue with movies BUT share consistent categories of data that align with School Improvement/District goals
- Consistent ROLLOUT with CREATIVE content that is shared WIDELY!
What can I say, but WOW! And so agree that reports shouldn't be a behemoth end of year thing. I changed the title of the lesson to emphasize that.